Young people who want a different approach to learning
Young people of diverse backgrounds find Embark a welcome change from their school experiences. Some of our members got straight "A"s in school, but felt bored or unchallenged. Some had learning differences that their schools were not able to fully address. Others had passions they wanted to pursue, but felt that school and homework took up too much of their time. Some felt lost within the social scene at school or were bullied. Still others found the structure and values of traditional schools to be confining and frustrating and were ready for a flexible learning environment where they would feel at home. In addition, there are long-standing homeschooling youth who join Embark in order to connect with peers and to participate in a community of learners.
The common thread for all Embark members is a belief that their lives can get better in a supportive community outside of school. Not a different school, or an alternative school, but outside of school altogether. The staff at Embark helps young people and their families transition into a new life on their own terms and for their own purposes.

We accept applications on a rolling basis and work with families from all economic backgrounds.