A Full-Time Alternative to School

There are many roads to a meaningful and successful life...
Embark Center for Self-Directed Education is a path to college, career, entrepreneurship, travel.
Supporting Self-Directed Education
We are a small and welcoming community serving a diverse group of young people.
We help members document their learning for their own satisfaction, or to use in college applications, resumes and more.
Young people have the time and space to pursue their interests in depth, often with opportunities to interact with experts in the field.
All of our members have a staff mentor. They meet each week to plan and reflect.
With freedom and flexibility, young people can access a whole world of resources and interesting people.
Our learning environment can be adapted as needed by young people, to meet their specific learning needs.
Our calendar is filled with classes that represent the wide range of interests of our members.
We encourage young people to take greater responsibility for their lives. This can make all the difference.
Local Community Engagement
Apprentice at a local business. Take or audit college classes. Volunteer in an area of deep interest. Visit and tour businesses, colleges, museums, and more.
Upcoming Opportunities
Frequently Asked Questions
College? Work? Travel?
Young people who choose self-directed education successfully move on to college, work, or travel as a next step. Learn more about Paths Forward.
Are there state requirements?
In the US, the legal mechanism to control your own education is called homeschooling. The Virginia law may seem daunting, but it's simple to register and provide proof of progress. We provide the support you need to comply with the law.
Who is it for?
Young people ages 10-18 and families who want a different approach to learning. Those who: feel bored, unchallenged, and want more; have learning differences that schools don't address; want more time for a passion; feel lost or bullied at school; or find the structure and values of school confining and frustrating.
Embark Center for Self-Directed Education is committed to making our community as widely accessible as possible. We work with families from all financial backgrounds. Learn more about becoming a member.